Purchase Documents

Import from Excel/CSV

If you are already maintaining the purchase data in an electronic format, you can quickly import all your documents. Octa GST supports import of purchase data from Excel/CSV files in two formats.

  1. Octa Format: Useful to import the list of purchase documents using which return can be automatically generated. This format is easier to produce and chances of error are less.
  2. GST Offline Tool Format: Most popular accounting and business software packages exports the data in this format. You can download this format from GST Portal.

Octa Format

There are 2 sheets containing purchase data (OctaPurchase.xlsx):

  1. Purchase: To import all purchase documents such as invoices, credit/debit notes, advances and refunds.
  2. Purchase Summary: Summary of non-taxable purchases which are not reported on document level (1).

Octa GST provides a user friendly import facility. Full import file is validated by Octa GST before importing so that your data is consistent and accurate. If any issue is detected in the contents of import file, Octa GST gives specific and useful error messages guiding you where & what exactly is wrong. You can correct the import file and then resume the import process.

Using the import facility, adding a large number of purchase documents is a matter of seconds. To use this format, simply click the Import button on Purchase page and follow on-screen instructions.

Import purchase register

Purchase Octa Format

Govt Offline Tool Format

There are many accounting and business software packages which supports the data export in GST offline tool compatible format. Octa GST also supports this format and it can directly import such files.

To import the file in GST Offline Tool format, simply click the Import button on Purchase page and follow the on-screen instructions.

Import purchase register

Purchase Govt Format