E-Invoice/E-WayBill APIs

API – Get Doc IRN Info

This API is used to get IRN details of already generated e-invoice.


GET https://app.octagst.com/api/einvoice/getdocirninfo?gstin={value}&doctype={value}&docno={value}&docdate={value}

Query Parameters

gstinIt specifies GSTIN of seller GSTINMandatory
doctypeIt specifies document typeMandatoryINV: Invoice
CRN: Credit note
DBN: Debit note
docnoIt specifies document numberMandatory
docdateIt specifies document dateMandatoryDD/MM/YYYY
qrcodeSpecify yes to include QR Code image in responseOptionalyes, no (Default)
pdfSpecify yes to include e-invoive pdf and e-waybill pdf in responseOptionalyes, no (Default)

Success Response

Response payload will contain the success status along with IRN information.

  "Success": true,
  "AckNo": "112010000002315",
  "AckTime": "27/11/2020 17:23:45",
  "IrnStatus": "ACT",
  "Irn": "11f8ef741fe294d4a14aad0b12457e62775d0fdc41a0dcf05b74fbb2ddc47acb",
  "SignedInvoice": "eyJhbGc...gumxIpg",
  "SignedQRCode": "eyJhbGc...oOZvxpw",
  "EwbStatus": "ACT",
  "EwbNo": "191008688443",
  "EwbTime": "27/11/2020 17:23:45",
  "EwbValidTill": "29/11/2020 17:23:45",
  "QRCodeImagePng": "gy72zt...3AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
  "EinvoicePdf": "i7gahsd...GY899RfTkSueba781Fg",
  "EwbPdf": "utwf19...34566AAAElFTkSuQmCC"

Failure Response

If API request fails for some reason, response payload will contain the failure status and a list of errors.

  "Success": false,
  "Errors": [
      "Code": "ERR_CODE_1",
      "Message": "ERR MESSAGE 1"
      "Code": "ERR_CODE_n",
      "Message": "ERR MESSAGE n"