E-Invoice/E-WayBill APIs

Error Codes

This document defines the error codes returned by Octa e-invoicing and e-waybill APIs.

NIC Error Codes

Please visit NIC developer sites to know more about API errors.

NIC e-Invoice Developer Portal →

NIC e-WayBill Developer Portal →

Octa Error Codes

Error CodeDesription
OCTA-001Invalid seller GSTIN
OCTA-002Invalid seller legal name
OCTA-003Invalid seller trade name
OCTA-004Invalid seller address-1
OCTA-005Invalid seller address-2
OCTA-006Invalid seller location
OCTA-007Invalid seller pincode
OCTA-008Invalid seller state code
OCTA-009Invalid Seller phone no
OCTA-010Invalid Seller email
OCTA-011Invalid tax scheme
OCTA-012Invalid supply type
OCTA-013Invalid document type
OCTA-014Invalid document no
OCTA-015Invalid document date
OCTA-016Invalid reverse charge
OCTA-017Invalid place of supply
OCTA-018Invalid IGST on intra state supply
OCTA-019Invalid Ecommerce GSTIN
OCTA-020Invalid remarks
OCTA-021Invalid buyer GSTIN
OCTA-022Invalid buyer legal name
OCTA-023Invalid buyer trade name
OCTA-024Invalid buyer address-1
OCTA-025Invalid buyer address-2
OCTA-026Invalid buyer location
OCTA-027Invalid buyer pincode
OCTA-028Invalid buyer state code
OCTA-029Invalid buyer phone no
OCTA-030Invalid buyer email
OCTA-031Invalid dispatch entity name
OCTA-032Invalid dispatch address-1
OCTA-033Invalid dispatch address-2
OCTA-034Invalid dispatch location
OCTA-035Invalid dispatch pincode
OCTA-036Invalid dispatch state code
OCTA-037Invalid ShipTo GSTIN
OCTA-038Invalid ShipTo legal name
OCTA-039Invalid ShipTo trade name
OCTA-040Invalid ShipTo address-1
OCTA-041Invalid ShipTo address-2
OCTA-042Invalid ShipTo location
OCTA-043Invalid ShipTo pincode
OCTA-044Invalid ShipTo state code
OCTA-045Invalid shipping bill no
OCTA-046Invalid shipping bill date
OCTA-047Invalid port code
OCTA-048Invalid country code
OCTA-049Invalid currency code
OCTA-050Invalid document value in foreign currency
OCTA-051Invalid claim refund
OCTA-052Invalid discount
OCTA-053Invalid other charges
OCTA-054Invalid round off amount
OCTA-055Invalid document value
OCTA-056Invalid item no
OCTA-057Invalid item description
OCTA-058Invalid HSN
OCTA-059Invalid quantity
OCTA-060Invalid free quantity
OCTA-061Invalid unit price
OCTA-062Invalid item gross value
OCTA-063Invalid item discount
OCTA-064Invalid pre tax value
OCTA-065Invalid item taxable value
OCTA-066Invalid GST rate
OCTA-067Invalid item IGST
OCTA-068Invalid item CGST
OCTA-069Invalid item SGST
OCTA-070Invalid cess rate
OCTA-071Invalid cess amount
OCTA-072Invalid Cess Non Advol
OCTA-073Invalid state cess rate
OCTA-074Invalid state cess amount
OCTA-075Invalid state Cess Non Advol
OCTA-076Invalid item other charges
OCTA-077Invalid item total
OCTA-078Invalid barcode
OCTA-079Invalid product serial no
OCTA-080Invalid order line reference
OCTA-081Invalid origin country
OCTA-082Invalid item attributes
OCTA-083Invalid batch name/number
OCTA-084Invalid batch expiry date
OCTA-085Invalid batch warranty date
OCTA-086Invalid transporter id
OCTA-087Invalid transporter name
OCTA-088Invalid distance
OCTA-089Invalid transport mode
OCTA-090Invalid transport document no
OCTA-091Invalid transport document date
OCTA-092Invalid vehicle number
OCTA-093Invalid vehicle type
OCTA-094Invalid payee name
OCTA-095Invalid bank account no
OCTA-096Invalid branch IFSC code
OCTA-097Invalid payment mode
OCTA-098Invalid payment terms
OCTA-099Invalid payment instructions
OCTA-100Invalid credit transfer terms
OCTA-101Invalid direct debit terms
OCTA-102Invalid credit days
OCTA-103Invalid amount paid
OCTA-104Invalid amount due
OCTA-105Invalid document period start date
OCTA-106Invalid document period end date
OCTA-107Invalid preceding document no
OCTA-108Invalid preceding document date
OCTA-109Invalid preceding document other reference
OCTA-110Invalid receipt advice no
OCTA-111Invalid receipt advice date
OCTA-112Invalid contract reference no
OCTA-113Invalid tender batch/lot reference no
OCTA-114Invalid other reference no
OCTA-115Invalid project reference no
OCTA-116Invalid PO reference no
OCTA-117Invalid PO reference date
OCTA-118Invalid supporting document URL
OCTA-119Invalid supporting document contents
OCTA-120Invalid supporting document additional information
OCTA-121Invalid UQC (unit quantity code)
OCTA-151Business GSTIN not found
OCTA-152Invalid GSTIN
OCTA-153Invalid IRN
OCTA-154IRN already cancelled
OCTA-155e-Waybill not allowed
OCTA-156Active e-Waybill found
OCTA-157Invalid e-Waybill no
OCTA-158e-Waybill not found
OCTA-159Invalid reason code
OCTA-200API account not configured
OCTA-201Network session failed
OCTA-202Http session error
OCTA-203Application error
OCTA-204GSP error
OCTA-205GSTN error
OCTA-206GSTN IRP error
OCTA-207GSTN e-Waybill error
OCTA-208Network error
OCTA-209Account blocked
OCTA-210Low wallet balance
OCTA-211Service disabled
OCTA-300Invalid request
OCTA-301Record not found
OCTA-302Subscription expired