E-Invoice/E-WayBill APIs
API – Generate IRN
This API is used to register the invoice, credit note and debit note and get the Invoice Registration Number (IRN).
POST https://app.octagst.com/api/einvoice/generateirn
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Value | Default |
qrcode | Include QR Code image in response | Optional | yes , no | no |
qrcodeformat | QR code image format | Optional | PNG , JPEG , GIF | PNG |
qrcodequality | QR code image quality | Optional | standard , high | high |
pdf | Include e-invoive pdf and e-waybill pdf in response | Optional | yes , no | no |
Parameter | Data Type | Type | Description |
Version | String(6) | Mandatory | Schema version1.1 |
TranDtls | Object | Mandatory | This object contains transaction details |
TaxSch | String(10) | Mandatory | Tax SchemeGST |
SupTyp | String(10) | Mandatory | Supply TypeB2B :B2B SupplySEZWP : SEZ supply with payment of IGSTSEZWOP : SEZ supply without payment of IGSTEXPWP : Export with payment of IGSTEXPWOP : Export without payment of IGSTDEXP : Deemed ExportB2C : B2C Supply |
RegRev | String | Optional | Reverse ChargeY : YesN : No |
EcmGstin | String(15) | Optional | GSTIN of E-Commerce operator |
IgstOnIntra | String(1) | Optional | IGST on Intrastate SupplyY : YesN : No |
DocDtls | Object | Mandatory | This object contains document details |
Typ | String | Mandatory | Document TypeINV : InvoiceCRN : Credit NoteDBN -Debit Note |
No | String(16) | Mandatory | Document NoA-Z , 0-9 , / , - |
Dt | String(10) | Mandatory | Document DateDD/MM/YYYY |
SellerDtls | Object | Mandatory | This object contains the Seller details like GSTIN, Tradename, Address etc |
Gstin | String(15) | Mandatory | GSTIN |
LglNm | String(100) | Mandatory | Legal Name as appearing in PAN |
TrdNm | String(100) | Optional | Trade name, if available. (Business Name, other than legal name) |
Addr1 | String(100) | Mandatory | Address-1 |
Addr2 | String(100) | Optional | Address-2 |
Loc | String(100) | Mandatory | Location (City/Town/Village) |
Pin | Number(6) | Mandatory | Pin code |
Stcd | String(2) | Mandatory | State Code |
Ph | String(12) | Optional | Phone No |
Em | String(100) | Optional | |
BuyerDtls | Object | Mandatory | This object contains the Buyer details like GSTIN, Tradename, Address etc |
Gstin | String(15) | Optional | Buyer GSTIN, required for B2B invoices |
LglNm | String(100) | Mandatory | Legal Name as appearing in PAN |
TrdNm | String(100) | Optional | Trade name, if available. (Business Name, other than legal name) |
Addr1 | String(100) | Mandatory | Address-1 |
Addr2 | String(100) | Optional | Address-2 |
Loc | String(100) | Mandatory | Location (City/Town/Village) |
Pin | Number(6) | Optional | Pin code |
Stcd | String(2) | Optional | State Code |
Ph | String(12) | Optional | Phone No |
Em | String(100) | Optional | |
DispDtls | Object | Optional | This object contains the Dispatch details like business name, Address etc |
Nm | String(100) | Mandatory | Business entity name |
Addr1 | String(100) | Mandatory | Address-1 |
Addr2 | String(100) | Optional | Address-2 |
Loc | String(100) | Mandatory | Location (City/Town/Village) |
Pin | Number(6) | Mandatory | Pin code |
Stcd | String(2) | Mandatory | State Code |
ShipDtls | Object | Optional | This object contains the Ship To details like GSTIN, Tradename, Address etc |
Gstin | String(15) | Optional | GSTIN |
LglNm | String(100) | Mandatory | Legal Name as appearing in PAN |
TrdNm | String(100) | Optional | Trade name, if available. (Business Name, other than legal name) |
Addr1 | String(100) | Mandatory | Address-1 |
Addr2 | String(100) | Optional | Address-2 |
Loc | String(100) | Mandatory | Location (City/Town/Village) |
Pin | Number(6) | Mandatory | Pin code |
Stcd | String(2) | Mandatory | State Code |
ItemList | Item[] | Mandatory | This object contains list of line items. |
Item | Object | Mandatory | This object contains details of line item |
SlNo | String(6) | Optional | Serial no of line item. Only digits are allowed. |
PrdDesc | String(300) | Optional | Product/Item |
IsServc | String(1) | Optional | Whether line item is good or serviceY : YesN : No |
HsnCd | String(8) | Mandatory | HSN Code |
Qty | Number(10,3) | Optional | Quantity |
FreeQty | Number(10,3) | Optional | Free quantity |
Unit | String(3) | Mandatory | UQC |
UnitPrice | Number(12,2) | Mandatory | Unit price |
TotAmt | Number(12,2) | Optional | Item gross amount (Qty * UnitPrice) |
Discount | Number(12,2) | Optional | Discount |
PreTaxVal | Number(12,2) | Optional | Pre Taxable Value |
AssAmt | Number(12,2) | Optional | Item Taxable Value (Total Amount - Discount) |
GstRt | Number(3,3) | Mandatory | GST Rate |
IgstAmt | Number(12,2) | Optional | IGST Amount |
CgstAmt | Number(12,2) | Optional | CGST Amount |
SgstAmt | Number(12,2) | Optional | SGST Amount |
CesRt | Number(3,3) | Optional | Cess Rate |
CessAmt | Number(12,2) | Optional | Cess Amount |
CesNonAdvlAmt | Number(12,2) | Optional | Cess Nonadvol Amount |
StateCesRt | Number(3,3) | Optional | State Cess Rate |
StateCesAmt | Number(12,2) | Optional | State Cess Amount |
StateCesNonAdvlAmt | Number(12,2) | Optional | State Cess Nonadvol Amount |
OthChrg | Number(12,2) | Optional | Other charges |
TotAmt | Number(12,2) | Optional | Total Item Value (TaxableValue + Igst Amount + Cgst Amount + Sgst Amount + Cess Amount + Cess Nonadvol + State cess amount + State Cess Non advol + Other charges) |
OrdLineRef | String(50) | Optional | Order line Referencee |
OrgCntry | String(2) | Optional | Origin Country |
OthSerialNumber | String(20) | Optional | Product Serial Number |
Barcde | Number(12,2) | Optional | Bar code |
Item.BchDtl | Object | Optional | This object contains details of batch |
Nm | String (20) | Mandatory | Batch Name/Number |
ExpDt | String(10) | Optional | Batch Expiry DateDD/MM/YYYY |
WrDt | String(10) | Optional | Batch Warranty DateDD/MM/YYYY |
Item.AttribDtls[] | Attribute[] | Optional | This object contains details of item attributes |
Attribute | Object | Optional | This object contains details of line item |
Nm | String (100) | Mandatory | Attribute Name |
Val | String(100) | Mandatory | Attribute value |
ValDtl | Object | Optional | This object contains details of document totals |
AssVal | Number(14,2) | Optional | Total taxable value. |
IgstVal | Number(14,2) | Optional | Total IGST Amount |
CgstVal | Number(14,2) | Optional | Total CGST Amount |
SgstVal | Number(14,2) | Optional | Total SGST Amount |
CesVal | Number(14, 2) | Optional | Total Cess Amount |
StCesVal | Number(14,2) | Optional | Total State Cess Amount |
Discount | Number(14,2) | Optional | Invoice Discount |
OthChrg | Number(14,2) | Optional | Invoice Other charges |
RndOffAmt | Number(2,2) | Optional | Round off Amount |
TotInvVal | Number(14,2) | Optional | Total document value |
TotInvValFc | Number(14,2) | Optional | Total document value in foreign currency |
PayDtl | Object | Optional | This object contains payment details |
Nm | String(100) | Optional | Payee Name |
Mode | String(18) | Optional | Mode of Payment |
FinInsBr | String(11) | Optional | Branch or IFSC Code |
PayTerm | String(100) | Optional | Payment Term |
PayInstr | String(100) | Optional | Payment Instruction |
CrTrn | String(100) | Optional | Credit Transfer |
DirDr | String(100) | Optional | Direct Debit |
CrDay | Number(4) | Optional | Credit Days |
PaidAmt | Number(14,2) | Optional | Paid Amount |
PaymtDue | Number(14,2) | Optional | Payment Due |
AccDet | String(18) | Optional | Bank Account Details |
RefDtl | Object | Optional | This object contains reference details |
InvRm | String(100) | Optional | Document Remarks |
InvStDt | String(10) | Mandatory | Invoice Period Start DateDD/MM/YYYY |
InvEndDt | String(10) | Mandatory | Invoice Period End DateDD/MM/YYYY |
PrecDocDtls[] | PrecedindDoc[] | Optional | This object contains details of preceding issued documents |
PrecedindDoc | Object | Optional | This object contains preceding document details |
InvNo | String(16) | Mandatory | Preceding Invoice Number |
InvDt | String(10) | Mandatory | Preceding Invoice DateDD/MM/YYYY |
OthRefNo | String(20) | Optional | Other Reference |
ContrDtls[] | ContractRef[] | Optional | This object contains details of contract reference documents |
ContractRef | Object | Optional | This object contains contract references |
RecAdvRefr | String(20) | Optional | Receipt Advice No |
RecAdvDt | String(10) | Optional | Receipt Advice DateDD/MM/YYYY |
TendRefr | String(20) | Optional | Lot/Batch Reference No |
ContrRefr | String(20) | Optional | Contract Reference Number |
ExtRefr | String(20) | Optional | Any Other Reference |
ProjRefr | String(20) | Optional | Project Reference |
PORefr | String(20) | Optional | PO Reference Number |
PORefDt | String(10) | Optional | PO Reference DateDD/MM/YYYY |
AddlDtls[] | AddlDoc[] | Optional | This object contains details of additional documents |
AddlDoc | Object | Optional | This object contains additional document details |
Url | String(100) | Optional | Additional supporting documents URL |
Docs | String(1000) | Optional | Additional supporting documents in base64 |
Info | String(1000) | Optional | Additional information |
ExpDtl | Object | Optional | This object contains details of export invoice |
ShipBNo | String(20) | Optional | Shipping Bill No |
ShipBDt | String(10) | Optional | Shipping Bill DateDD/MM/YYYY |
Port | String(10) | Optional | Port Code |
RefClm | String(1) | Optional | Refund ClaimY : YesN : No |
ForCur | String(16) | Optional | Foreign Currency |
CntCode | String(2) | Optional | Country Code |
ExpDuty | Number(12,2) | Optional | Export Duty |
EwbDtls | Object | Optional | This object contains EWaybill details |
TransId | String(15) | Optional | Transporter Id |
TransName | String(100) | Optional | Transport Name |
TransMode | String(1) | Optional | Transport Mode1 : Road2 : Rail3 : Air4 : Ship |
Distance | Number(4) | Mandatory | Distance |
TransDocNo | String(15) | Optional | Transporter Doc No |
TransDocDt | String(10) | Optional | Transporter Doc DateDD/MM/YYYY |
VehNo | String(20) | Optional | Vehicle No |
VehType | String(1) | Optional | Vehicle TypeR : RegularO : Over-Dimensional Cargo (ODC) |
Please visit NIC eInvoice portal to get masters defined for State Codes, UQC, Currency codes, Country codes, Port codes, HSN, PIN codes.
Request payload should contain the JSON encoded invoice data:
"Version": "1.1",
"TranDtls": {
"TaxSch": "GST",
"SupTyp": "B2B",
"RegRev": "Y",
"EcmGstin": null,
"IgstOnIntra": "N"
"DocDtls": {
"Typ": "INV",
"No": "MAHI/10",
"Dt": "08/08/2020"
"SellerDtls": {
"Gstin": "29AABCT1332L000",
"LglNm": "ABC company pvt ltd",
"TrdNm": "NIC Industries",
"Addr1": "5th block, kuvempu layout",
"Addr2": "kuvempu layout",
"Pin": 560001,
"Stcd": "29",
"Ph": "9000000000",
"Em": "abc@gmail.com"
"BuyerDtls": {
"Gstin": "29AWGPV7107B1Z1",
"LglNm": "XYZ company pvt ltd",
"TrdNm": "XYZ Industries",
"Pos": "37",
"Addr1": "7th block, kuvempu layout",
"Addr2": "kuvempu layout",
"Pin": 560004,
"Stcd": "29",
"Ph": "9000000000",
"Em": "abc@gmail.com"
"DispDtls": {
"Nm": "ABC company pvt ltd",
"Addr1": "7th block, kuvempu layout",
"Addr2": "kuvempu layout",
"Loc": "Banagalore",
"Pin": 518360,
"Stcd": "37"
"ShipDtls": {
"Gstin": "29AWGPV7107B1Z1",
"LglNm": "CBE company pvt ltd",
"TrdNm": "kuvempu layout",
"Addr1": "7th block, kuvempu layout",
"Addr2": "kuvempu layout",
"Loc": "Banagalore",
"Pin": 518360,
"Stcd": "37"
"ItemList": [
"SlNo": "1",
"IsServc": "N",
"PrdDesc": "Rice",
"HsnCd": "1001",
"Barcde": "123456",
"BchDtls": {
"Nm": "123456",
"Expdt": "01/08/2020",
"wrDt": "01/09/2020"
"Qty": 100.345,
"FreeQty": 10,
"Unit": "NOS",
"UnitPrice": 99.545,
"TotAmt": 9988.84,
"Discount": 10,
"PreTaxVal": 1,
"AssAmt": 9978.84,
"GstRt": 12,
"SgstAmt": 0,
"IgstAmt": 1197.46,
"CgstAmt": 0,
"CesRt": 5,
"CesAmt": 498.94,
"CesNonAdvlAmt": 10,
"StateCesRt": 12,
"StateCesAmt": 1197.46,
"StateCesNonAdvlAmt": 5,
"OthChrg": 10,
"TotItemVal": 12897.7,
"OrdLineRef": "3256",
"OrgCntry": "AG",
"PrdSlNo": "12345",
"AttribDtls": [
"Nm": "Rice",
"Val": "10000"
"ValDtls": {
"AssVal": 9978.84,
"CgstVal": 0,
"SgstVal": 0,
"IgstVal": 1197.46,
"CesVal": 508.94,
"StCesVal": 1202.46,
"Discount": 10,
"OthChrg": 20,
"RndOffAmt": 0.3,
"TotInvVal": 12908,
"TotInvValFc": 12897.7
"PayDtls": {
"Nm": "ABCDE",
"Accdet": "5697389713210",
"Mode": "Cash",
"Fininsbr": "SBIN11000",
"Payterm": "100",
"Payinstr": "Gift",
"Crtrn": "test",
"Dirdr": "test",
"Crday": 100,
"Paidamt": 10000,
"Paymtdue": 5000
"RefDtls": {
"InvRm": "TEST",
"DocPerdDtls": {
"InvStDt": "01/08/2020",
"InvEndDt": "01/09/2020"
"PrecDocDtls": [
"InvNo": "DOC/002",
"InvDt": "01/08/2020",
"OthRefNo": "123456"
"ContrDtls": [
"RecAdvRefr": "DOC/002",
"RecAdvDt": "01/08/2020",
"Tendrefr": "Abc001",
"Contrrefr": "Co123",
"Extrefr": "Yo456",
"Projrefr": "Doc-456",
"Porefr": "Doc-789",
"PoRefDt": "01/08/2020"
"AddlDocDtls": [
"Url": "https://einv-apisandbox.nic.in",
"Docs": "Test Doc",
"Info": "Document Test"
"ExpDtls": {
"ShipBNo": "A-248",
"ShipBDt": "01/08/2020",
"Port": "INABG1",
"RefClm": "N",
"ForCur": "AED",
"CntCode": "AE"
"EwbDtls": {
"Transid": "12AWGPV7107B1Z1",
"Transname": "XYZ EXPORTS",
"Distance": 100,
"Transdocno": "DOC01",
"TransdocDt": "01/08/2020",
"Vehno": "ka123456",
"Vehtype": "R",
"TransMode": "1"
Response payload will contain the success status along with IRN information.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | true in case of success |
AckNo | String | Acknowledgement number |
AckTime | String | Acknowledgement Date & timeDD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS |
Irn | String | Invoice reference number generated |
IrnStatus | String | IRN StatusACT : ActiveCNL : Cancelled |
SignedInvoice | String (Binary data in Base64 URL encoding) | Signed invoice data as received from IRP |
SignedQRCode | String (Binary data in Base64 URL encoding) | Signed QR code as received from IRP |
EwbStatus | String | EWB StatusACT : ActiveCNL : Cancelled |
EwbNo | String | e-waybill Number(present only if e-waybill is generated along with e-invoice) |
EwbTime | String | e-waybill generation Date & timeDD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS |
EwbValidTill | String | e-waybill validity Date & time DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS |
QRCodeImagePng | String (Binary data in Base64 encoding) | e-Invoice QR code PNG image |
QRCodeImageJpeg | String (Binary data in Base64 encoding) | e-Invoice QR code JPEG image |
QRCodeImageGif | String (Binary data in Base64 encoding) | e-Invoice QR code GIF image |
EinvoicePdf | String (Binary data in Base64 encoding) | e-Invoice PDF file |
EwbPdf | String (Binary data in Base64 encoding) | e-waybill PDF file |
Errors | Error[] | List of errors, will be present only when Success is false |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Code | String | Error Code |
Message | String | Error message |
Sample – Success
"Success": true,
"AckNo": "112010000002315",
"AckTime": "27/11/2020 17:23:45",
"IrnStatus": "ACT",
"Irn": "11f8ef741fe294d4a14aad0b12457e62775d0fdc41a0dcf05b74fbb2ddc47acb",
"SignedInvoice": "eyJhbGc...gumxIpg",
"SignedQRCode": "eyJhbGc...oOZvxpw",
"EwbStatus": "ACT",
"EwbNo": "191008688443",
"EwbTime": "27/11/2020 17:23:45",
"EwbValidTill": "29/11/2020 17:23:45",
"QRCodeImagePng": "gy72zt...3AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
"QRCodeImageJpeg": null,
"QRCodeImageGif": null,
"EinvoicePdf": "i7gahsd...GY899RfTkSueba781Fg",
"EwbPdf": "utwf19...34566AAAElFTkSuQmCC"
Sample – Failure
If the API request fails for some reasons, the response payload will contain the failure status and a list of errors.
"Success": false,
"Errors": [
"Code": "ERR_CODE_1",
"Message": "ERR MESSAGE 1"
"Code": "ERR_CODE_n",
"Message": "ERR MESSAGE n"