Change Log – Version 7.3.1

Octa GST (Desktop)

Published: 24/10/2018 18:09

  • New: Support of GSTR-3B printing. Double click on GSTR-3B return and click Print or Export.
  • New: Added support of GSTR-1 and GSTR-2A download in Octa GST Assistant.
  • Improvement: Added the filter by original/amendment voucher in purchase-GSTR2A reconciliation.
  • Improvement: Showed the original and amendment details on reconciliation screen and mismatch report.
  • Improvement: Modified the supplier summary in purchase-GSTR2A reconciliation to exclude the tax if a voucher has been amended by supplier.
  • Fixed: While importing GSTR-1, handled a rare case when null fields are received in GSTR-1.
  • Fixed: an issue in smart linking to prevent crash if multiple vouchers with same voucher no exists in purchase data.