Change Log – Version 3.8

Octa GST (Desktop)

Published: 02/11/2017 18:09

  • Made HSN description, quantity and units optional in Octa import formats. Many of our users reported that this data is sometimes not available easily. Now you import the sales and purchase data without these fields. Please note that if this data is not available, these line items will not be included in HSN summary.
  • The import errors screen is improved drastically. A lot of our users were not realising that precise error description is available for each error. This functionality is now properly exposed and made more accessible.
  • Changed the format of GSTR-2/2A Excel export. This is now the same format as Octa Excel Import format. This helps to start with GSTR-2/2A data to generate your purchase data.
  • Demo button on the home screen is renamed to Explore. Many of our users getting confused that it is a demo version. 😊
  • Provided a Keywords field in all vouchers. You may use this field to tag the invoices as per your needs. This field is searchable in all screens. For example, you may write "No-ITC" for those invoices on which you don't wish to claim ITC, and then simply search for "No-ITC" in GSTR-2 ITC claim screen and click "Not Eligible".
  • Added the functionality to clear all contacts.
  • Added the functionality to clear all items.
  • Port Code is enforced in capital letters to avoid issues at later stages.
  • Allowed the invoice date prior to 01-Jul-2017 in case of import invoice. This is a valid case if bill of entry date is after 01-Jul-2017.
  • Allowed the reconciliation action "Accept" even in case of mismatch in GSTR-2.
  • Reduced the significance of Invoice Date field in GSTR-2 auto-matching. Now a difference of only invoice date mismatch will be shown as Almost Matching rather than Not Matching.
  • Minor enhancements in Excel export format of GSTR-2 mismatch report.
  • Added better message when GSTR-2A file is added to GSTR-2 module. This was already not allowed but a lot of our users were trying to add GSTR-2A file in GSTR-2 module. We have now added a better message to help clarify this case.