Change Log – Version 3

Octa GST (Desktop)

Published: 10/10/2017 18:09

This is a major release of Octa GST which brings support of GSTR-2A and GSTR-2. Salient features of this release are:


  • Add GSTR-2A file downloaded from GST Portal and view all information reported by your suppliers.
  • Export GSTR-2A information to Excel for reference, analysis and comparison purpose.


  • Add GSTR-2 file downloaded from GST Portal and view all information reported by your suppliers.
  • Auto-matching of purchase information with data reported by your suppliers.
  • Side-by-side comparison of purchase documents.
  • Bulk actions to quickly reconcile a large number of documents.
  • Never miss input tax credit on even a single document by going through the ITC claim facility. Take bulk action to - claim ITC on a large number of documents.
  • Auto-generate all sections of GSTR-2.
  • Comprehensive view of all GSTR-2 sections. Analyse different sections of return with full details of relevant documents.


  • Document issued information is moved from Sales module to GSTR-1 module. You can now add or modify the details of document issued from GSTR-1 module itself.

GSTR-2 return filing is more challenging than GSTR-1 because of matching, reconciliation and ITC claims. We have put a huge efforts in making this complex activity a lot simpler by automating most activities. We hope that you will love the simplicity of Octa GST.